Fresno County 2017 - Present

In order to improve the safety and efficiency of their power grid, PG&E is updating manual pole switches to automatic/remote controlled switches across their entire service area.  Praxis provides topographic and utility mapping for proposed pole locations. Once the poles are designed, Praxis works within a tight schedule to stake pole locations for construction and complete an as-built survey of the poles as they are completed. 

Control Survey | Topographic Survey | S.U.E. | Construction Surveying | As-Built Survey


Bakersfield, CA

From October 2017 to the present, Praxis has provided construction survey services and helped address constructability issues in the field for the expansion and modernization of PG&E’s Kern Power Plant Substation. This project included an expansion of the substation by over 18 acres, the installation of a new 230kV BAAH, and the relocation of multiple transmission lines coming into the substation.

Control Survey | Construction Surveying | DTM for GPS Machine Control | Constructability Review | As-Built Survey


Vacaville, CA 2019

In early 2019, PG&E updated the north and south 500kV capacitor banks at the Vaca-Dixon Substation. Praxis provided construction staking for the north pad expansion, the capacitor bank foundations, and checked anchor bolts before concrete pours. 

Control Survey | Construction Surveying | Anchor Bolt Survey


Huron, CA 2017 - 2019

From April 2017 to November 2019, Praxis provided construction survey services for the expansion of PG&E’s Gates Substation. The project included a 9 acre expansion of the substation, the installation of a new 230kV BAAH, a new 500kV bay, three new 500kV to 13.8kV transformers, and new 13.8kV reactor bay. Praxis provided construction staking for grading, foundations, security wall, and underground utilities, as well as a DTM for GPS machine control. 

Control Survey | Construction Surveying | DTM for GPS Machine Control


From September 2013 – January 2017, Praxis worked with Jacobs Engineering and Sempra Energy’s Southern California Gas to implement their Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan (PSEP). As one of 15 selected surveying & mapping firms, the Praxis team was assigned pipeline segments totaling over 50 miles in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, and L.A. Counties. Praxis surveyors provided topographic surveying and mapping, utility research and mapping (S.U.E.), boundary and right of way survey and mapping for design purposes. As pipeline segments were released for construction, Praxis provided construction staking and as-built surveys of every weld, joint, fitting, and bend along the pipeline segment. As-built data was compiled and delivered in GIS ready data sets. 

Control Survey | Topographic Survey & Mapping | Utility Research & Mapping (S.U.E.) | Boundary/Right of Way Survey & Mapping | Appraisal Maps | Legal Descriptions and Plats | Record of Survey Maps | Construction Surveying | As-Built Surveys | GIS Data Set Preparation


Patterson, CA 2013 - 2014

From late 2013 through mid-2014, Praxis worked with multiple contractors to locate proposed improvements and upgrades to the Salado Substation modernization project.  This expansion project included the installation of new equipment and the development of previously unused portions of the substation facility.

Control Survey | Construction Surveying | Constructability Review