Westside Canal Battery Storage


The Westside Canal Battery Storage design required Praxis to perform a detailed terrestrial lidar survey of the existing transmission line that the project ties into.  The point cloud, along with our topographic mapping, was used by the engineering team to design tie in poles that intercept the existing transmission line.  Praxis provided construction staking for the new poles, the switching station, and the phase 1 SDG&E collector substation. 

Aerial Mapping | Topographic Survey | Lidar Survey | Construction Surveying


Fresno & Kings County 2019 - 2023

From February 2019 through April 2020, Praxis Land Surveying worked on base mapping for a 13 mile long electrical gen tie line located in Fresno and Kings Counties, CA.  Said line will tie the 250MW Aquamarine Solar Project to the power grid at the PG&E Gates Substation.  Praxis provided topographic surveying and mapping, utility mapping (S.U.E.), and boundary/right of way mapping for the entire length of the project.  Separate easements were written and plats drafted for each parcel that the proposed line runs through.  In addition, separate ALTA surveys were created for each easement.

Control Survey | Aerial Mapping | Topographic Survey | S.U.E. | ALTA | Boundary Survey | Legal Descriptions


Moss Landing, CA 2019 - 2022

In order to capture the overabundance of solar energy that is produced during daylight hours, batteries are being utilized to store the energy as it is produced and then release it to the power grid at night when electricity is not being produced.  Moss Landing BESS will be the largest battery storage system in the US when complete.  Praxis was hired to complete topographic and utility mapping for the proposed substation area, and to conduct a terrestrial lidar survey of existing 500kV lines and structures for evaluation and redesign.  Praxis also provided construction survey services for the two 34.5kV-500kV collector substations.

Control Survey | Topographic Survey & Mapping | Lidar Survey | Construction Surveying

White River 2

Alpaugh, CA 2013-2016

Praxis worked on the 20MW AC White River 2 solar facility from October 2013 – March 2014.  Praxis provided design and construction survey services and helped address constructability issues in the field.  In early 2016, Praxis worked with PGM to construct the Battery Energy Storage System that will store power and release it during peak demand.

Control Survey | Topographic Survey | Boundary Survey | ALTA | Constructability Review | Construction Staking | Title & Map Research | Quality Control | Easement Creation | Record of Survey | As-Built Survey